This is a beautiful Day...Maybe Maybe Maybe. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
This is a Beautiful world...Maybe Maybe Maybe.
I don't know...This is a sad day. Maybe Maybe.
Oh! Oh! Oh! 1. 2. 3. 3 Days for my crazy brain.What are you doing in this dark night?...in this blood night?
I know.Yes I'm sure. This is a beautiful day, beautiful night.
I don't know, because I'm fool man. Man & Man. No words.No love.No tears. No bed.No Home.
This is a beautiful day
But I DON'T CARE, I'DON'T CARE. You are a stupid man. The night is mine of me...
Mortal flowers for you/Mortal flowers for me & other & other & other

(copyright minimal production XH nnb 2009-UNPUBLISHED WORK; performance made to measure for Bucharest, NY city 2009-'10)
Nniet Brovdi: automatic release(photo), performer, my fetish body,Music; voice, sax, noises, electronics, words & other.....